In these Terms and Conditions the term “Exhibitor” means any person, firm or company who has made application for and who has been granted space in the Exhibition. The term “Exhibition” means the event detailed in the Booking form provided by the Organiser to the Exhibitor.

Applications for stand space should be made on the official form. These will be considered by the Organisers who reserve the right to accept or reject any application. All applications for space will be dealt with in the order in which they are received. Sub-letting either the whole or part of space rented is not allowed without the permission of the organiser.

The rent for stand space is payable to the Organisers as follows:- 25% Deposit with the balance due 90 days before the 1st day of the exhibition.
Payment terms other than those above must be agreed in writing by the Exhibitor with the Organiser.

a) The Exhibitor is responsible for ensuring his stand is adequately staffed during the opening hours of the Exhibition.
b) A stand space may only be occupied by the Exhibitor to whom this stand has been allocated or his agents as informed to and approved by the Organisers.
c) Every Exhibitor should occupy their allocated stand space by 0900 hours. Should the Exhibitor fail to exhibit the Organisers have the right to re-let or deal with this space as they feel appropriate. Non-occupation will in no way absolve an Exhibitor from his financial obligation to the Organisers.

a) The shell stands will be erected by the contractor appointed by the Organisers. No alterations to a stand will be allowed.
b) Any damage to the shell scheme will be charged to the Exhibitor responsible at replacement value.
c) The wording on the fascia panels of the shell stand will be restricted to the Exhibitors name/stand number.
d) The Organisers shall not be liable for any variations in stand lay-out that may occur. Whilst every care will be taken that stand spaces are as stated at the time of accepting the application for stand space it is the responsibility of the Exhibitor/Contractor to check their allocated stand space.
e) No obstruction to gangways will be permitted and Exhibitors must not display their goods which in the opinion of the Organisers obstruct these gangways or other exhibitors.
f) Empty packing cases/boxes must not be stored on stands. Exhibitors must make their own arrangement for storage of such items.
g) All Exhibitors must comply with the requirements of the local authority and all exhibitors are deemed as having notice of such requirements and are bound thereby.
h) No dangerous materials or hazardous substances including explosives, flammable or of an object flammable nature can be brought into the Exhibition Halls unless previously approved in writing by the Organisers.
i) All materials used for decorating or covering stands must be inflammable and to comply with the regulations of the local authority.
h) The Organisers will carry out cleaning of public areas and gangways but it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to arrange for the general tidiness of the space allocated to him.

a) Additional electrical requirements and connections will only be installed at the Exhibitors expense and any such work must be completed by the official contractors. Electricity must only be used for lighting and power services.
b) Exhibitors may only use the official contractors appointed by the Organisers for services they require.
c) Exhibitors requiring services as water, waste and gas must apply in writing to the Organisers not later than two months before the exhibition.

The Exhibitor makes himself responsible for any damage they or any employees or contractors cause to the exhibition premises. Any damage shall be made good at the Exhibitors expense to the satisfaction of the owners of the Exhibition Premises and Organisers.

Items for consumption on the premises must be obtained from the catering concessionaires or owners of the Exhibition Premises.

The Exhibitor will be entitled to cancel the contract without payment within 14 days from date of signed contract/booking confirmation.
If the Exhibitor wishes at any time prior to the Exhibition to cancel or reduce the stand space allocated to him, then written notice of such wish, stating the reasons for such cancellation or reduction, must be given to the Organiser. For the avoidance of doubt the Organiser shall not be obliged to accept the Exhibitor’s notice of cancellation or reduction. The date of cancellation shall be the date the Organiser notifies the Exhibitor that it accepts the Exhibitor’s notice.

Cancellation effective
More than 9 months prior to the first day of the Exhibition will incur a cancellation charge of 40%
More than 90 days prior to and less than 9 months to the first day of the Exhibition will incur a cancellation charge of 70%. Less than 90 days prior to the first day of The Exhibition will incur a cancellation charge of 100%.

The Organiser will invoice the appropriate Cancellation Charge which will be payable within 30 days of the invoice date. For the avoidance of doubt the amount headed Cancellation Charge represents an estimate of the liquidated damages, which the Participant accepts as representing a fair estimate of the loss suffered by the Organiser and is in lieu of any other claims that the Organiser may have for the cancellation, including amounts due under clause 3. The Cancellation Charge levied will take into account amounts already paid by the Participant and retained by the Organiser.

a) An Exhibitor, his agents or contractors shall have no claim against the Organisers in respect of any loss of damage in the event of any abandonment, postponement or limitation of the Exhibition and of the Exhibition premises and services therein resulting from unforeseen circumstances or intervention from an outside authority due to an act of war, strike, lock-out, fire or any comparable event.
b) Exhibitors will have the right to the same or similar space when the exhibition can be re-staged.

a) Each Exhibitor shall indemnify the Organisers against all liabilities, action, costs, claims and compensation for injury or loss to any person or damage to a loss of any property arising as a result of his occupancy of an allocated stand space or of any act, omission or negligence done or omitted by the Exhibitor or his agent or any other person under his direction.
b) Each Exhibitor shall indemnify the Organisers against any claim that may be made upon them in respect of any alleged breach of infringement of any copyright or patent by that Exhibitor during the period of his occupation of an allocated stand space or otherwise in connection with the Exhibition.
c) Each Exhibitor must adequately insure and keep himself insured to cover the liabilities under these Terms & Conditions. He must also hold a General Third Party Policy of Insurance to cover the legal liability for negligence for an indemnity of at least £1,000,000 (0ne million pounds). The policies of insurance to be shown to the Organisers on demand.

Exhibitors and their staff must conduct themselves in a manner not objectionable to other Exhibitors, Visitors and the Organisers. In the event of this not being observed, the Organisers shall be entitled to terminate the Exhibitor’s licence to occupy the stand.

a) Exhibits on show may not be removed from their positions while the Exhibition is in progress.
b) Any exhibition goods must be removed from the premises as indicated by the Organisers when the Exhibition finishes. Any such material remaining will be removed by the Organisers or Hall Owners at the Exhibitors expense. c) All exhibition goods must be brought in and taken out of the Exhibition Halls by the entrances and exits indicated by the Organisers.

The Organisers reserve the right to refuse admission of any person to the Exhibition Halls without the need for any reason for refusal.

a) Exhibitors must at all times respect and be bound by and comply with the Rules & Regulations issued by the Organisers. Violation of the Terms and Conditions may lead to exclusion from the Exhibition.
b) The Organisers reserve the right to alter, add to, waive or alter any of these Terms and Conditions either generally or in any particular case.
c) Should any question arise whether provided for in these Terms & Conditions, then the decision of the Organiser shall be final and binding on every Exhibitor.Cancellation Charge 40% of the Total Cost 70% of the Total Cost 100% of the Total Cost.