If your business is in the Electricity Network industry ENERGYx2024 South is where you will find the right people from your target market. Our Marketing team know a thing or two about exhibitions and have put together a list of 8 ‘Top Tips’ for you.
ENERGYx2024 South TOP TIP No1: Research the Venue and the Date

Exhibiting is an important way of building qualified leads and positioning your company in a public arena. Where and when an event is staged is important when deciding what events to attend and your only considerations should be will delegates come and how easy will it be for them to reach the venue. The quality of speakers at an event will drive footfall so pay attention to who is speaking and the subject matters for relevance. Other considerations should be if the venue has excellent road links, mainline rail lines and is it sign posted along the route? Is there a wide range of accommodation types available close to the venue? Are there any competing events running at the same time?
ENERGYx2024 South TOP TIP No2: Qualified leads

It is amazing that so many companies spend fortunes on stands at events, fancy graphics and giveaways but fail to do the most important task at an event. The nature of the market is such that delegates won’t be buying on impulse; therefore, your No 1 Job is to build a list of qualified leads. In the days following the event the people you meet at ENERGYx2024 South will start the process of purchasing so it’s important you record the details of every qualified lead.
ENERGYx2024 South TOP TIP No3: Location, Location, Location

Many companies agonise over the decision on what location to choose for their stand. The reality is the actual location of the stand is low down on the success factor of an event and it is the performance of the staff manning the stand that really counts. You may wish to choose a location away from a competitor or be the first stand visited by delegates on the way in or last one visited by delegates on the way out. Studies show that 70% of people turn left when entering an exhibition venue.
ENERGYx2024 South TOP TIP No4: Does size matter?

When booking stand space, it is important you book the right amount of space to suit your offer. Your stand should be an area in which potential clients meet with you rather than a display area that is viewed from the gangway. If your stand is overcrowded with display items and furniture delegates won’t be able to come onto your stand and you will have to talk with them in the walkway. Its very important to have items on display, but not at the expense of being able to invite potential buyers on to your stand for say a coffee whilst you discuss or demonstrate your latest innovation.
ENERGYx2024 South TOP TIP No5: Staffing your stand

The understaffing of stands is a common mistake that many companies make. You need people manning your stand with the confidence and knowledge to present your company’s offer and it is vital you have the right amount of people, so you don’t miss those all-important potential clients walking by. The formula you should follow is (Visitors / Days) / Hours / Minutes. At ENERGYx2024 South there will be 1000 visitors, 500 a day, 62 an hour therefore you need enough staff to deal with a person walking past every minute. Of course, it won’t work out like that as there will be peak periods and quieter times such as lunchtime, but it’s a good way of deciding on your stand numbers.
ENERGYx2024 South TOP TIP No6: Image is important

A good image will ensure a positive lasting impression. Staff that are dressed in corporate clothing, look professional and are easy recognisable as the person to speak to on your stand. Every exhibitor has a badge that indicates they are an exhibitor, but there is no substitute for a professional team being presented in corporate wear. Our experience tells us that you can increase the number of qualified leads when your staff are dressed in matching branded clothing.
We have teamed up with TRIGA® to offer exhibitors at ENERGYx2020/21 the opportunity to rent a display frame and purchase bespoke branded graphics – click here for more details.
ENERGYx2024 South TOP TIP No7: Issue or collect?

Many exhibitors make the mistake of focusing on giveaways such as branded pens and brochures. Though important the success of the event for your company will not be based on the number of merchandise items you hand out. Your success will depend on the data you collect, and your No 1 Job is to build a list of qualified leads. Wrapped sweets are always a good idea to have on a stand as offering them to passers by can start a conversation, that just might lead to that big deal. Please take a sweet, are you having a good show, what are you looking for in particular?
ENERGYx2024 South TOP TIP No8: The follow up, speed matters

It’s amazing but many companies fail to follow up on the contacts they have made at an exhibition. The visitors to your stand at ENERGYx2024 South will have also met lots of other exhibitors, so its important you stand out. How and when you follow up is of vital importance. At the end of the event once you have packed up your stand, sit down with a coffee and go through your leads. Pick out all the important ones and send them a short email from your smartphone thanking them for visiting your stand and let them know you will be in touch in the next few days. Within a maximum of 3 working days after the exhibition follow up on all your qualified leads and you will reap the rewards of your investment in exhibiting.